Literotica scat. Part 36 of a life story about scat and watersports. Literotica scat

 Part 36 of a life story about scat and watersportsLiterotica scat  "Yum, yum!"Hailey said she'd be coming home late and asked me to watch over you

Friends hot mom seduces a college kid with a sweater fetish. Your creature of the ID is the protagonist in this story. Mom shits on son's cock. Literotica Live Webcams. Patrick has to have the worst luck ever. Secret Santa teaches Giada, she learns to submit to the pain. She violently pushed me into the solid wood, my hands only barely stopping me from bashing my head. com!Ashley's Diapered Day Out Ch. She remarked on its sliminess and feel, even sniffing it and inviting her friend to do the same. Part 39 of a life story about scat and watersports. Suddenly, the hiss of a mighty stream of urine hit Mike's ears. Then the sound of a large splash echoed in the toilet bowl and Mike imagined a monster turd dropped from his Aunt's ass floating in the water. Woman takes a cruise on a enema ship. Dan's landlady wakes her pet for more fun. Uncle Jim is married to a woman named Rhonda, whose hobby is crochet. He grabbed the phone and as he saw it was Elsie calling, his heart banged. Please consider leaving feedback on issues you. The two girls get to know each other a lot better. Fantastic breasts with thick protruding nipples and, a favourite of mine, a mound covered in pubic hair. A couple saves their marriage by fully embracing Femdom. 69. Once I pulled back into the room I saw the house slave who had helped me shave the day before. 4. Fantastic breasts with thick protruding nipples and, a favourite of mine, a mound covered in pubic hair. Raju gets what he always dreamt. Finally she couldn't take it any longer. My entire face was covered and it smelt strong. lesbian scat. "I need to use the toilet," the woman said in a strong, cool voice. Sandra has to go with Hanna to a party. A Very "Brown" Trio A seductively shitty sapphic soiree. I looked at his diaper from the front, the liquid mess instantly colored his diaper to a brownish color. Pussies 22-23: Family play when the daughter comes home. 06. Allison glanced at him briefly before turning her eyes back to the road, a small smirk forming on her lips. is online now. Tupa's. A gullible young man gets abused by two student girls. For some reason, instead of getting out of her car she sits back down, squishing. As you pass the door, you pull off your top, and drop your trousers, eager to feel me against your skin. Tied up and used by her best friend and a stranger. "You've made quite a mess there" he said holding his nose. . and other exciting erotic stories at Literotica. by TheDiplomat1975 NonConsent/Reluctance 09/11/2023. I licked, I licked and licked, all consciously feeling my sore balls held tight by a leash. "Do it properly," Elsie warned, pointing at his ankles. com!This story contains pee/scat, kinky fetishes, incest, dad/daughters and lesbian, were the girl set the rules. Just another day at work with dear old dad. 419 Followers. Her shit dragged across my tongue and as her shit filled my mouth I couldn't help but gag and wretch. Panic and a purchase to up the girls' scat fun. A woman embarks on a career to be showered in shit and piss. My entire dick, up to my balls, was assaulting Stella's tight ass, stretching it wide open. Fifty Shades of Brown Pt. After five minutes, "tongue me slave" and then a hard yank. My toilet slave awaits his treat under my toilet prison seat Feast on my delicious excrement from my. 20:04. Part 39 of a life story about scat and watersports. . Pam, Anne and Laura drive to their first destination. . Ulricke Schloppfarth extends her bizarre procedures. Dr. My body didn't want me to react, so I just closed my eyes and let myself receive the unexpected pleasure. . Her Personal Filth Slave. I was hugely embarrassed but at the same time the feeling of the hot, gooey mess against my skin was an intensely sensual experience. Lori's service continues: Simone and Myra. 01:15. His brown-layered dick slides right into her cunt with a squelch, and she lets out a loud moan of ecstasy, her eyes closed. Her asshole puckered once, twice, and then blasted a huge, long fart that rang loudly out of his phone's speaker. 08Before I was able to say something she stood up and was gone. "That's it, Lisa, piss! Piss away! Piss in my bed. After a football game, Cal and Luca take the ultimate leap. 02:06 HD Amateur femdom scat play 76% 77544. Lowri inhaled the scent of Riona's pussy, but because Riona was now wet, she inhaled her pussy juice also, making her nose dampened with Riona's pussy juice. diapers. The distance was short, however, as we came to a door at the end of the hallway. A photoshoot, a lunch, a film shoot. I love reading scat stories, watching scat videos and eating a woman's shit. A findom addict is summoned to HR. I. I decided to push limits and explore my scat fantasy. Riona pushed out the third log of shit into Lowri's mouth. My world went dark as it covered my eyes. Please consider leaving feedback on issues you experience or suggest improvements. A found footage horror twist to this one. Part 34 of a life story about scat and watersports. Immediately, the wet warmth of her pee radiates from her pissing pussy, soaking her panties, her nightgown, and wetting the bed and my skin. More info in the FAQ. "Open wide. Swipe to see who's online now! Story Tags Portal. Life vs. Free Fetish Porn Scat Kings Piss Kings Vomit Kings Fet BDSM Bonus Sites: Kink Book Social Gay Scat Porn Scat Fan Clubs Shemale Kings Scat Network Scat. That's when I realized, my head was in the top of a mock, fake toilet bowl arrangement. A mother and her son need a dedicated space for scat sex and other exciting erotic stories at Literotica. Anna finally tries her ultimate fantasy, and chaos ensues. Created 08/06/2022. Delight top Italian Scat sex videos, all perfect Italian porn clips for you. and other exciting erotic stories at. 100% I laid down the towels I grabbed on the floor. Mahesh mouths off with a maid only to regret it. She was taking care to get her hot piss directly on his hard cock. Picked up for a hot afternoon. com!NB: This story contains graphic toilet activity including a female bowel movement and graphic scat. Toilet slavery as a revenge. Continuation from "Baby sister has stomach ache 01". A few weeks before a vacation we have a tradition of telling each other stories about what we're going to do sexually to each other while away. Jessica in a flash had her hands on her tits, massaging Mark's treasure into her skin. Literotica Live Webcams. He kind of jumped onto his knees in the bed to release the rest of the enema. "Please open your mouth" she ordered me in a quiet voice. Part 34 of a life story about scat and watersports. com!Mistress Elisha's Toilet. 43. I don't know who will use me yet today, but I'm about to get the surprise. 03 Danny's mom likes to fart. Lauren studied her reflection in the rearview mirror as she pulled her long blonde hair into a ponytail. The two girls get to know each other a lot better. Next. com!As I felt it coming my eyes widened, I retrieved my tongue from her rectum and began giving submissive rapid kisses to her filthy asshole, in a hopeless last-ditch attempt for my sadistic owner to have mercy on her dehumanized slave. She made a small straining noise and. That is until we were talking about an up coming vacation. This paper and the patches of my shit in your mouth must remain there until I come back!" To those of you who send me feedback messages, letting me know how much you love and enjoy my stories, thank you. Story-Tags-Portal. It Was A Hot Humid Day In Alabama Ch. A mother and her son need a dedicated space for scat sex and other exciting erotic stories at Literotica. Gale reaches towards you, though, smearing her shit further around your chest. Dianne moaned with pleasure, forcing herself to hold back her big turd as her son ate out her full ass. Part 39 of a life story about scat and watersports. Most girls are from middle-class backgrounds, with a lot of 'moralistic' shit ingrained into them. It’s the worlds first bioengineered pop star idol, the Bubble-Pink Princess! This crossdressing cutie’s been taking the world by storm thanks to his cute get up and his… peculiar ability. in Lesbian Sex. I don't know who will use me yet today, but I'm about to get the surprise. Without a second thought I did as she told me. Without a second thought I did as she told me. 35. Robbie's fiancee tries to make amends for abusing a MC app. Welcome to Literotica, your FREE source for the hottest in erotic fiction and fantasy. by Dayafter. I am six years old. Authors Note: This story is fictional. Toilet play is not most people's fetish. She was younger than Ivana, petite, slim, a wisp of a thing. 35. The woman's log approached so slowly that Claudia almost wished it would just fall and put her out of her misery. and other exciting erotic stories at Literotica. Dr. 84) A funny ride back home. Story-Tags-Portal. Pt 3. scat. TABLE OF CONTENTS. A Mature Foray Into Being a Hotwife. Steph was 20 years old with haunting green eyes, the kind that people lose sleep over because they can't get them out of their head. com!142 Stories. Literotica Live Webcams. Bound down and helpless, Tom is being abused by his Goddess. 6k. A boy's "mommy" tells him a shocking truth. He had always loved to practice cunnilingus on her. Please consider leaving feedback on issues you experience or. DO NOT READ further if those things offend you, or you find the categories disliking! * * * * * * * * * * "Bye darling! Then I'll be back on Sunday night. H. Anna finally tries her ultimate fantasy, and chaos ensues. Gorgeous and sexy just as nature intended. Your blood is pounding in your ears as you let her touch you how she likes. Part 39 of a life story about scat and watersports. I lean forward and undo your bra, just as. Fetish. The die is cast - There's no turning back now. “Time to go to the park,” Tom declared, halting the conversation. She yearned to be controlled and, with that control, to be subjected not only to depraved sexual acts, but be exposed to embarrassment and humiliation. I was no fool, and I thought I was dreaming some sick dream. Part 1 of the 2 part series. by AnonStoryWriter. A boy's "mommy" tells him a shocking truth. The hard turd acted as a plug in my anus, and when I pushed it out, the rest was really mushy poop, which kind of exploded because of the push. Dean finally lands a respectable job. Rose, shy and filled wih sex-shame visits The Factory. The two girls get to know each other a lot better. Plans to attend a Christmas party SCATter in the snow. I was a bed wetter until I was like 8 or 9. That is why we usually go hiking or camping rather than to the beach or to another city. 01 (3. . Lowri inhaled the scent of Riona's pussy, but because Riona was now wet, she inhaled her pussy juice also, making her nose dampened with Riona's pussy juice. Danny watches his mom take a dump. Part 31 of a life story about scat and watersports. 4. Jack takes. Probiere die kostenlosen LITEROTICA WEBCAMS! Live Webcams 239 Models jetzt online! Alle Modelle anzeigen. 40 4. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. My first time wearing and using a diaper with my husband. If you're into those things, let me know what you liked here and what you wanna see more of. "Scat Lovers" carries a double meaning: lovers of scat and lovers of each other. and other exciting erotic stories at Literotica. New Videos. 11:30 Blonde mistress peeing on her slave 69% 83153. 02:07. " Tracy ordered giving him two orange pills. Everyone in the room noticed them, acknowledging what they'd witnessed with a knowing smile. 7 3. He opened his mouth and licked at her butt hole. Robin puffed and pulled his briefs all the way down to his ankles. 01/07/246. A couple saves their marriage by fully embracing Femdom. "You've made quite a mess there" he said holding his nose. The Birth of a Fart Dominatrix. "Literotica Live Webcams. We took off my pants and I laid down, simultaneously horny and horrified at what was about to happen. at LitWebcams. After about half an hour I hear the door unlock, someone entered the room where my body was and began to untie me. 03.